Friday, November 28, 2008

Where are we headed?

This question has been popping again and again in my head for some time now.

It popped up again today morning when I read about the Mumbai terrorist attack. Before that it had popped up when my Brother-in-law had to undergo emergency surgery to survive an ulcer. Before that the same question had popped up when I had landed in Delhi and saw the thick, heavy smog. Before that one of my family friends had approached me to counsel their son at that time too the same question had popped up.......

When I look at the world around me, I see a certain approach being taken by the majority of the people.

The result of this approach is:
  • Individuals are lonely, stressed out, over worked, unhealthy and aggressive or on the path to be so.
  • Families are full of strife, tension & infighting and breaking down
  • Society is unsafe, exploitative, terror stricken and at war.
  • The planet is in a crisis, there are drastic climatic changes due to global warming.
  • The planet is also under threat from humans at WAR.
  • The food is contaminated with chemical poisons of fertilisers, insecticides & pesticides
  • The surface and underground water is now polluted. 
  • The water tables have reduced drastically all over the inhabited areas. 
  • The rivers have become stinking due to the industrial effluents and sewage. 
  • The air has become unbreathable in all major cities.
  • The land is becoming less and less fertile, the forest cover is depleting very fast.
  • The urban waste has become totally unmanageable 

Having seen all this are we slowing down or looking for alternatives?


We are propagating this system even faster. We are clearing more forests, setting up more industries, expanding our cities further, bringing more and more people into the fold of this system, Fighting more wars, Digging more mines, Consuming more fossil fuels, producing more and more waste, producing more cars, urbanising more and more areas and in doing all this taking pride and calling it DEVELOPMENT.

Amazing! Just Amazing!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sukh, Dukh etc

Sukh = Happiness, Dukh = Sadness

We only perceive Sukh and Dukh and these too also within the range of Sensory perception.

What we like is named Sukh, what we dislike is named Dukh.

This Sukh needs to be explored further.

On carefull examination of self one realizes that we are only aware in Dukh.

I say this because all of us are so tuned to identify Dukh that we spot it immediately and at times can even predict it. We have developed mechanisms in our psyche, in our behaviour, in our society to immediately spot Dukh and avoid it. Psychologist have called this the 'Defence mechanism'. We are trained in our families, in our schools in our society to fine tune this mechanism.

But though we can try and avoid Dukh as much, the resulted state of absence of Dukh is not fulfilling. And is not able to hold its state, and some new issue comes up every time to bring in Dukh. So the human mind being quite capable devised the concept of SUKH. Where Sukh = opposite of Dukh.

There is typical characteristic of this Dukh. It is Depressing/disturbing kind of excitement

We put have imagined the opposing qualities of Dukh into our mentally constructed SUKH. This Sukh has been attributed qualities of Excitement which is elevating, gives a rush, is full of passion.

If we see carefully all our celebrations are designed to generate this kind of SUKH. All our Sukh is based on loads of excitement.

But the problem with this kind of excitement/high is that this does not maintain itself and after sometime just fizzles out. So there is a high and then a low. We have recognised this too and devised a mechanism to address it too. We try to make a series of such Sukh events, so that one after the other we keep getting some kind of a high.

But the problem instead of being resolved gets aggravated. All these SUKH events that we design for ourselves again are rooted in Sensory pleasures, and the senses have there limitation and range. So after sometime same activities which earlier used to give us a high no longer have much effect on us. At this time we desperately try and find newer and newer highs.

The above discussion indicates that we are constantly moving from Dukh to lack of Dukh to SUKH (sensory).

What does it indicate?
It indicates that is something in us which needs continuous fulfilment. And it is so integral to us that it cannot be separated from us. It is what defines us as humans.

This constant need to be fulfilled and working for this fulfilment is what a human is, what else.

Now if we pay a little attention to the fact that our need for fulfilment is continuous, then we will realize that it can only be fulfilled with something that itself is continuous. Also even the state in which we will be able to identify our fulfilment needs to be same continuous. And we all know that excitement can never be continuous.

Another thing one needs to acknowledge before beginning the quest for fulfilment is to know the fact that this fulfilment will have to be universally applicable and achievable for each and every human being. Because something special non-universal will again be something non continuous.

The reason for saying so is:
Since all humans have the need, then the fulfilment itself should be naturally available to all and in all space and time, then only would it be a continuous fulfilment. If it was available only at a certain place or only at certain times or only to certain people then would it be continuous? So the availability has to be for everyone, who is able to recognise it and therefore gets fulfilled is up to each individual as per there choice.

There is this state in us, we all have known it but not everyone has been able to acknowledge it yet.

This state is of self observation.

Self observation means being able to clearly see ones decisions, thoughts & desires. When one is doing so, you will find a certain state of calmness, a certain confidence in your ability to understand, speak and do. This is the state where we make most of our breakthroughs. This the state where we are able learn and understand anything.

This state is not a reaction to our surroundings, rather it is rooted in first realisation 'I am'. This state is the natural state as we can be in it for as long as we desire. Yes that is the key word. As long as we desire. When our focus shifts from ourselves to other things then we loose this state.

So the obvious question is, do we ignore the outside totally and only focus on this state? NO.

This state has lots of layers, the first layer which is available/open to all of us is that of self observation. The second layer opens to reveal that one can observe the world while observing oneself. In this layer all one has to do is keep watching self while observing the world, and keep observing the connections/relationships of self with the world. The third layer is when one starts looking at the complete picture, that of self being the integral part of the world and the inherent purpose of all entities. And in this layer we start finding that fulfilment which was our initial quest.

Of course the more you start understanding more it becomes your responsibility to live according to this understanding and verify. I in my individual capacity have only been able to reach this far, I am sure there are several more layers to the whole process.

So in conclusion, this game of Sukh-Dukh is futile which our ancestors also have been saying since time immemorial. Here though what is being said is one step ahead, here the next step is also being put forth and the direction too is being pointed out, now what you do with it is your choice.