Friday, December 22, 2006

Love ??? - Comment Reply

jade said...

what do u mean by.. the expression of love has not got communicated?

Communication between two people is when one person successfully conveys what is being felt to another person, and the other person is able understand what is communicated and acknowledges the communication, but might or might not reciprocate.

In case of non communication their are several scenarios
  1. Person wanting to convey(communicator) is not clear (confused/unsure) of what is being felt. Communicator is misinterpreting own feelings (e.g - Confusing sympathy, Caring or trust for Love )
  2. Communicators behavior (speech and acts) is insufficient to convey what is being felt.
  3. The person to at whom the communication is aimed at (Listener) is not interested or distracted at that moment.
  4. The listener mis-reads the behavior used for communication by the communicator (e.g. - Caring at times can be interpreted as interfering).
  5. The Listener is unprepared to accept or respond(either way) to that particular feeling
These are the various scenarios of mis-communication.

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