Friday, November 28, 2008

Where are we headed?

This question has been popping again and again in my head for some time now.

It popped up again today morning when I read about the Mumbai terrorist attack. Before that it had popped up when my Brother-in-law had to undergo emergency surgery to survive an ulcer. Before that the same question had popped up when I had landed in Delhi and saw the thick, heavy smog. Before that one of my family friends had approached me to counsel their son at that time too the same question had popped up.......

When I look at the world around me, I see a certain approach being taken by the majority of the people.

The result of this approach is:
  • Individuals are lonely, stressed out, over worked, unhealthy and aggressive or on the path to be so.
  • Families are full of strife, tension & infighting and breaking down
  • Society is unsafe, exploitative, terror stricken and at war.
  • The planet is in a crisis, there are drastic climatic changes due to global warming.
  • The planet is also under threat from humans at WAR.
  • The food is contaminated with chemical poisons of fertilisers, insecticides & pesticides
  • The surface and underground water is now polluted. 
  • The water tables have reduced drastically all over the inhabited areas. 
  • The rivers have become stinking due to the industrial effluents and sewage. 
  • The air has become unbreathable in all major cities.
  • The land is becoming less and less fertile, the forest cover is depleting very fast.
  • The urban waste has become totally unmanageable 

Having seen all this are we slowing down or looking for alternatives?


We are propagating this system even faster. We are clearing more forests, setting up more industries, expanding our cities further, bringing more and more people into the fold of this system, Fighting more wars, Digging more mines, Consuming more fossil fuels, producing more and more waste, producing more cars, urbanising more and more areas and in doing all this taking pride and calling it DEVELOPMENT.

Amazing! Just Amazing!

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